Boyfriend Destroyer Tactics PDF

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In this guide, you’re going to learn Boyfriend Destroyer tactics, or specifically, how to attract a woman who already has a boyfriend.

Listen up, I am going to spill the beans and give you the whole enchilada when it comes to attracting a woman who is already attached using the October Man Sequence. However, you must exercise. In a similar vein, sociopaths tend to be the most charming people in the room — whether they're at work, at parties, on dates, etc. They're funny, kind, and full of compliments. But the thing is.

But before anything, I’ve got to warn you first.

The “Prophesy” technique is one of a cluster of Boyfriend Destroyer tactics found inside the Shogun Method. The others are a little more advanced (in particular the “Us Against The World” and the “Perfect Boyfriend” sequences), but they work on a completely different level. We have previously covered. Some Boyfriend Destroyer techniques, but in this issue, we'll talk. About the 5 definitive ' Boyfriend Annihilator Tactics ' that would. Turbo-charge your seduction powers in no time: Ben's Top 5 Boyfriend Annihilator Tactics. #1: The 'Your BF Is Awesome' Tactic. Boyfriend Destroyer technique: google page 2: pua ons: google page 1: Tyler durden bfdestroying: google page 1: bf destroying tyler: google page 1: Boyfriend Destroying tactics: google page 1: boyfriend destroying seductionbase: google page 1: sitewwwseductionbasecom: google page 15: pua boyfriend break up: google page 1: style ex boyfriend.

If you decide to use what you’ll learn here from me, be prepared for trouble.

Trust me: you won’t make lots of friends with the Boyfriend Destroyer.

In fact, prepare for the backlash of angry guys trying to knock down your door, pissed at you for stealing their women.

Table of Contents

Boyfriend Destroyer techniques are no joke.

Whatever you choose to do with this information is entirely your own responsibility.

Me nor Derek Rake (who provided much of the material here through his program Shogun Method) shall not be liable for any losses or problems that you may face from using this information.


Great, let’s start!

Boyfriend Destroyer “Time Bombs”: Who Will Benefit Most

Boyfriend Destroyer routines or patterns are particularly suitable for you if you fit into any of these situations:

  • You’re in love with a woman, but she already has a boyfriend. You want her to leave him for you.
  • Your girlfriend or wife is about to leave you for another man.
  • You want to protect (or “inoculate”) your woman from getting seduced by another man in the future, so that she remains yours forever.

Many of my clients fit into one (or more) of these circumstances, and a good majority of them found success using this one particular Boyfriend Destroyer tactic which I am going to share with you in this guide.

Understand that I am not guaranteeing it to work 100% – in fact, whoever who claims that his techniques are foolproof is lying to you.

Nevertheless, our success rate is well above average (typically above 80%), and if you do exactly what I say here in this guide, chances are good that you’ll also be able to pull it off successfully without a doubt.

Boyfriend destroyer tactics pdf file

Before we go deeper into what the Boyfriend Destroyer is all about, there’s something that you must be aware of…

This article is quite detailed, and yet it’s written in a simple, “digestible” way that anyone will have no problems following it.

In fact, if you read this guide carefully, and most importantly, you use the techniques that I’ll share with you later, you will be able to steal a woman from her boyfriend and get her to leave him for you… that I can pretty much guarantee.

Why am I so sure? Well, I’ve used it many, many times, and have since taught it to hundreds of men with rave reviews and results.

And guess what? If we can do it, you can do it too! 🙂

There’s one little snag though…

You see, the amount of details that you must remember in order to pull off the Boyfriend Destroyer successfully is actually quite high.

I won’t bullshit you. If you don’t remember the exact lines, then your chances of using the Boyfriend Destroyer successfully can be pretty low.

To solve this problem, I’ve written a simple Action Checklist which you can download (it’s in PDF format) and refer to whenever you want to use the Boyfriend Destroyer.

Simply leaf through this beautiful 16-page PDF document and check off everything in the list without wondering if you’ve forgotten anything. Easy, right?

Download the Action Checklist here below –

BONUS: Download the Boyfriend Destroyer Action Checklist which contains the Boyfriend Destroyer technique inside this guide in three (3) simple steps AS WELL AS a bonus technique – a new, never-before-seen Boyfriend Smasher routine not found in this guide.

One minor catch though…

You can download the Action Checklist for free, but you will have to agree not to share it with anyone else. It’s for personal use only, alright?

Downloaded the Action Checklist? Excellent… let’s go!

Example Boyfriend Destroyer Pattern: Derek Rake’s “Prophesy” Strategy

Inside the Shogun Method (in particular, the Enslavement module), Derek Rake related an intriguing story about meeting a professional sales trainer at a private mastermind meeting in Prague a couple of years ago.

“Derek,” the sales trainer said, “There’s this subtle tactic that I teach my salesmen that discourages their customers from going elsewhere to do business.”

When probed further, he explained:

“I call this tactic, Prophesy.

“When the customer starts to get restless and wants to go shop elsewhere, I first disarm her, by encouraging her to do so.”

“Then, I’ll suggest that she will just be wasting her time by “predicting’ what happens when she goes see a competitor.”

“For example, I’ll say, feel free to go to shop so-and-so, but there will be higher prices, or smaller variety, or less flexibility.”

This is how the strategy helps the salesman:

  • If the customer is convinced and decides to stay on, he wins.
  • If the customer decides to go to the competing shop and discovers what he said was true and comes back, he wins.
  • If the customer doesn’t return, well, he’s no worse off than before.

Amazing, isn’t it?

Now think of how to use this in your situation, and how you can make a woman want you even if she already has got a boyfriend.

For example, you can say to her:

You’re entirely free to go with him. I want you to know that. It’s your decision to make.

(First, apply some reverse psychology and manipulate her thinking a little.)

And yet you should remember that you already know that there are something about him which is not desirable… something not ideal… or even something that irritates you about him…

(No matter how “perfect” a guy is, he always has some weak points that you can exploit. Highlight those weaknesses.)

…and if you go with him, you will find more and more about these undesirable things as you find out more about him.

(Amplify those weaknesses.)

So what’s going to happen next?

  • If she is convinced and decides to stay on, you win.
  • If she decides to go with the guy, she will discover that what you said is true (this will almost always be the case). Then, you win.
  • If she doesn’t return, well, you’re no worse than before. (Then, you can either move on, or use another Boyfriend Destroyer routine – all is not lost yet!)

See just how powerful this technique is?

Shogun Method, Boyfriend Destroyer Sequences, Cults and Doctors

Cults actively use the same “Prophesy” tactic as part of their mind games when recruiting new members.

This is how they do it –

When someone new joins them, they tell him to expect ridicule. They will “prophesize” that he will be scorned by his family and friends for joining the cult.

Similarly, doctors also knowingly use this technique on their patients.

When asked if the patient would get better soon, his answer would be this…

Boyfriend Destroyer Tactics PDF

“It will get better, but only after it gets worse for the next couple of days.”

So what happens next?

If the patient gets better immediately, then she will credit the doctor’s amazing healing abilities.

If she doesn’t, well, the patient will still credit the doctor for his “accurate” prediction! The doctor wins, either way.

The Shogun Method is full of these “either way, you win” tactics, and that’s why it’s perhaps one of the most effective seduction systems in the world today.

The “Prophesy” technique is one of a cluster of Boyfriend Destroyer tactics found inside the Shogun Method.

The others are a little more advanced (in particular the “Us Against The World” and the “Perfect Boyfriend” sequences), but they work on a completely different level.

Here’s a bonus Boyfriend Destroyer tactic by my friend (and fellow Shogun Method devotee) Fredo Hill which also works pretty well.

Watch this short video below –

(Press play and wait for it to load. Thank you for your patience!)

Even better: learn the Boyfriend Smasher routine and take your boyfriend destroying abilities to the next level! The Boyfriend Smasher is inside the Boyfriend Destroyer Action Checklist which you can download here (for free).

Why I Won’t Recommend Shogun Method To Everyone

When people ask me if I would recommend the Shogun Method, I would get pretty cautious…

Don’t get me wrong now: I’m a huge fan of the Shogun Method. I think it’s hands down one of the best “how to attract women” guide available in the world today.

(I love Derek Rake to bits, and he alone has single handedly shaped me into the man I am today. See my back story here.)

And yet I don’t necessarily recommend the Shogun Method to any Tom, Dick or Harry. It’s also why I won’t recommend Boyfriend Destroyers to everyone, either.


Like Boyfriend Destroyers, the Shogun Method should come with an advisory sticker!

I personally know of Derek’s students who would routinely go “rogue” with the Shogun Method. They would start on a “seduction rampage” and use Derek’s techniques to hurt women.

I won’t mask my words here: the risk of people misuse Derek’s techniques to abuse women emotionally is just too big. And for that reason, I only selectively recommend Shogun Method to guys I know who will NOTabuse the knowledge.

You’ve already seen this with the Boyfriend Destroyer…

Nothing is going to stop some douchebag who reads this guide and uses this technique to destroy (otherwise happy) marriages!

When that happens, it won’t be on my conscience.

Therefore, if you’re thinking of learning the Shogun Method, all I ask you to do is to decide for yourself.

Better still, learn the sampler Fractionation technique (the full version is inside the Quick Start module of the Shogun Method). Then, see and decide for yourself.

Enter your email address, and Derek will email the link to the technique to you shortly (if you qualify – not everyone does.)

Good luck, and don’t use this to go around harming people. Remember… karma is a real bitch!

“Japanese Toenail Fungus Code”, “Urgent Destroyer” and More Autoshipment Scams

Autoreplenishment, Monthly Shipment “Scams” and How They Work

If you’re reading this article, it’s most likely because you’re skeptical about a product that seemed too good to be true. More often than not, is because most “free trial” offers are too good be true or have something to hide.

In the world of health and beauty, there are hundreds of thousands of products available that are sold using different marketing techniques. Some of the marketing may seem very unsavory and hide behind legal terms and conditions and fine print that are not always clearly visible.. making big promises and using attractive language like “free trial offer” and pressure selling tactics to sell more product.

Is this a coincidence?

In order to understand why these products are marketed this way you need to understand the landscape. In a world of marketing dominated by lots of competition, companies outsource their marketing to affiliate marketers to grab your attention online.

An affiliate marketer is someone with a website who creates a content or an ad about your product and then shows consumers like you. The problem with affiliates is that they are unpredictable and often use false pretenses and exaggerated language that make big claims not backed up by actual studies.

Here are some of the most common techniques affiliates will use to try and sell you a product:

1) Phony Fake “Before & After” Photos

Example 1:

Take a look at this Before & After photo from a website talking about the “Japanese Toenail Fungus Code”. The before and after photo do not even reflect the same foot! One foot is a left foot and the other is a right foot, most likely not even from the same model.

* Fake Before & After Photos. Different Left Foot, Different Model

2) Free trial offers that claim only shipping and handling upfront or a flat discounted fee upfront – but then bill you monthly the full product price until you finally notice and cancel. It’s typically too late

Example 1:

Upfront price advertised as per bottle:

Example 2:

To “opt” or not to “opt”?

Boyfriend Destroyer Tactics Pdf Free

When you scroll down you’ll notice that you can “opt” to the membership price… what does this really mean? To “Opt in” or “Opt out” of recurring billing? This is a common strategy used some companies to mislead customers into purchasing a monthly plan. It may automatically put you on the monthly plan and forces you to “opt”.. in? or, out? Whatever that means is up to interpretation. Would you prefer to “opting in” or “opting out” of difficult pricing and billing and a potential headache?

This could be made more clear to the customer and is very arguable misleading. Combined with a countdown timer rushing you to place your order its easy to see why someone may mistakenly purchase the incorrect product.

3) Fake celebrity endorsements and or photos.

Boyfriend Destroyer Tactics PDF

Example 1:

Renowned medical doctor is actually a spokesperson bought on that will record a video reading your script starting at only $100.

4) Exaggerated claims to their success without appropriate disclaimers.

This falls into any claims made based on the rate or efficacy of a product without any evidence to back up those figures and how they are calculated.

5) Countdown timers “Limited time offer! Only 350 Trial Offers Available Today!”.

Boyfriend Destroyer Tactics Pdf Download

Example 1:

Countdown to number of available trials that day that automatically resets each time you visit

Example 2:

National media attention pressure that automatically resets each to the present date to create urgency

6) Restocking fees. The product cost you $4.99 for shipping and handling but to send it back there is a $20 restocking fee? No thanks.

6) Restocking fees. The product cost you $4.99 for shipping and handling but to send it back there is a $20 restocking fee? No thanks.

7) Using fake organizations to appear more credible or falsely using the logos of legitimate organizations that have no association with them whatsoever.

Boyfriend Destroyer Tactics Pdf Online

Common examples of this include making up a fake organization that sounds official. Using the logos of national publications fraudulently on their website. Using text like “as advertised on” or as “publicized by” well known outlets without their knowledge or by stretching the truth.

Boyfriend Destroyer Tactics Pdf File

8) Fake comments from Facebook that are really prefabricated screenshots.

Example 1:

These comments are commonly seen with fake profile images copied and pasted to look a live form. However, this is not the facebook plugin that you are use to seeing, it’s a farce.


Boyfriend Destroyer Techniques Pdf

We do not endorse the “fungus destroyer”, “fungus shield plus”, the “japanese toenail fungus code” or any other similar sham, copycat website/product because we feel they may use misleading advertising, paid actors and pressure sales tactics/pricing strategies that may mislead the general public.

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It is our opinion, that there is a lack of scientific based evidence to back claims on their website and product literature and that similar products are not utilizing FDA compliant ingredients in their formulas for their marketed conditions.

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For this reason, we do not endorse any continuity or subscription based model health care products that do not provide an option to pay the full price upfront without being enrolled into aggressive rebill models. We only endorse the use of products that are founded on scientific based evidence and use active ingredients at the permitted concentrations as designated by the Federal Drug Admissions (FDA) monograph (link 1). .