Your Wish Is Your Command Kevin Trudeau Pdf

Kevin trudeau your wish is your command pdf new this, Fierce conversations susan scott pdf, Barrons gre 20th edition pdf free download. Aug 18, 2012 Kevin Trudeau is a master.of self deception. Recently, one of my friends gave me a 14 set cd of Kevin Trudeau's 'Your wish is your command'.

Kevin Trudeau is a master.of self deception. Recently, one of my friends gave me a 14 set cd of Kevin Trudeau's 'Your wish is your command'. He downloaded it illegally, and I see now that is a good thing because NO ONE SHOULD PAY FOR THIS BULL!

Let me make it real simple. Kevin Trudeau has done NOTHING except take what other people have done and reword it into this 'own' version of the Law of Attraction. We all know someone who 'lives in their own world', they come up with some very out there stories that they have about themselves or what they have done or where they have been.

Most people would simply say these people are liars, but it goes deeper than that. It is a need these people have to make people believe they are more than what they are.or they live a great life when they honestly have a simple life.

This is Kevin Trudeau. I'm not saying this man hasn't made money, he has. He has made money by fooling people into buying his pie in the sky promises. He has, no doubt, more money than I do at this point and I'm sure he has seen more places than I have at this point but he has made his money through SCAM and this is exactly what 'Your Wish is Your Command' is.a scam. Honestly, I shouldn't say it like that. There is truth in Kevin Trudeau's program but my point is, these good points can be learned through.ANY. Law of Attraction book.for free.yet, Mr.

Jun 04, 2016 Your Wish is Your Command Kevin Trudeau on Shipping on qualifying offers. Open box, like new. Free gift with Money Making secret revealed DVD. Jan 04, 2013 Manifest Your Own Destiny And Change Your Life Now! With Kevin Trudeau's 'Your Wish Is Your Command' Series. Your wish is your command notes from kevin trudeau law. Your wish is your command kevin trudeau warrior. Your wish is your command pdf thought scribd. Kevin trudeau your wish is your command part 1 youtube. Your wish is your command 14 cd set kevin trudeau amazon. Your wish is your command millionaires in training 5 / 36.

Your Wish Is Your Command Kevin Trudeau Pdf. Best Answer: A friend of mine has spent about $20,000 on GIN and gave me the cd set (your wish is your command) to. Your Wish Is Your Command. Your Wish Is Your Command Notes from. Members of Secret Societies have stayed in their groups but support Kevin Trudeau. Your Wish Is Your Command Kevin Trudeau. Your-Wish-Is-Your-Command-Introduction-CD- Kevin. Your-Command-Introduction-CD-Kevin-Trudeau.html However, I've read a lot of negative stuff about. View 205893018-Your-Wish-is-Your-Command-PDF.pdf from ACT 221 at Govt. Elementary College, Qasimabad (Liaquatabad), Karachi. The following is a “book review” of The 14 CD set of Kevin Trudeau’s.

Trudeau has taken this FREE information and put it in a 14 disc program where all he did was repeat exactly what can be read in books. He also fills CDs with information that we do not need. Most of this program is simply FILLER. The unbelievable thing about this program is how Mr. Trudeau insists that he has recorded this program in a room full of BILLIONAIRES, KINGS, QUEENS AND MEMBERS OF THE ILLUMINATI.really?!!?!?

In many parts of this program, he will pause for questions.WE HEAR NOTHING. during this time. We hear nothing, other than Mr. Trudeau's voice, during this program. We hear no one else.we have no reason to believe he is where he says he is and there is certainly no evidence he is with anyone else during his lecture. He says he must keep the identity of these people super secret due to the fact of who they are and he can't even tell us where we is recording because it 'isn't open to the public'.

Pure Fantasy. This man is a complete fraud and he is causing more harm than help with this program. People who may believe he knows some big secret will fork over almost $200.00 for absolutely NOTHING they could not learn from the $7.00 book 'The Magic of Believing' or many of the other books or Youtube videos out there. So, to recap.

Please do not pay for Kevin Trudeau's 'Your Wish is Your Command'. It is not worth $2.00, much less $200.00. ALL the information he gives is available through youtube videos, books and even this blog. He literally takes 15 minutes worth of information and stretches it out over a 14 cd set.

99% of what you hear seems to be lies or at least VERY hard to believe. Most of the program is him talking about what all he has done and what all he has and of course, the 'kings' and 'billionaires' he knows.

After listening to 12 of the 14 cds (the last 2 are a sales pitch for some other program) I can honestly say I feel sorry for Kevin Trudeau. It is painfully obvious he is either 100% salesman or 100% off his rocker.either way, it is a sad life to live. How many times did you listen, Did you take notes and if so how extensive?

Did you complete the series or just ‘Listen” to the cd’s? I can not recall any allocations saying if you listen to YWIYC 1 time then your dreams will come true. In my opinion it is evident you only listened once with a biased state of mind to decifer whether good or bad The activities mentioned take time to learn yet alone perform on a high level. It is another opinion of mine you probably didnt read the 10+ books recommended to read, although im sure you have read tons. Bottom line you can’t look at the recipe and say whether it is good or bad when trying a new dish that has more than satisfied others. You have to follow the recipe and taste for yourself.

No notes for slide. From Amazon: The Strangest Secret is amazing message that was first played for a group of salespeople at Earl's insurance agency in 1956. They were electrified by what they heard, and word of the message quickly spread. It went on to become the first non-musical recording to earn a Gold Record for sales, and remains one of the most powerful and influential recordings ever made. This DVD features original footage from a classic film shot in 1970, and provides a rare glimpse of the legendary Earl Nightingale presenting the highlights and philosophy of The Strangest Secret. If you heed what he shares with you in this timeless message, your life will never be the same again.

The 1958 33 1/3 LP financial motivation album, The Strangest Secret, was the first 12' LP recorded by famous 1950's and 60's radio and CBS television personality, Earl Nightingale. (Originally, in 1956, it was released in 10' format). The message of the record was what Nightingale considered the most valuable information he had ever learned; e.g. The revelation of truth he had sought and discovered in every book he'd ever read since he was a child. This was the answer to the question he had asked since he was little - why were people poor and what made them that way? It was a 'Strange Secret' because Nightingale considered it so simple and obvious that everyone should have seen it long ago: 'We become what we think about'. This is the thesis for financial success in The Strangest Secret LP which, without advertising or marketing, sold more than a million copies and, as a Gold Record, was in in the 1950's and 1960's was the largest selling non-entertainment recording of the record industry.


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Your Wish Is Your Command (Powerpoint presentation). 1. Your Wish Is Your Command Notes from Kevin Trudeau’s audio CD series

Disc 1: The Four Basic Concepts to Achieving Success (pt. 1). The Four Basic Concepts to Achieving Success Who do you listen to? Teachability Index The Training/Balance Scale The Four Steps to Processing New Information.

Who do you listen to? How to achieve your desires and do so quickly Who do you listen to? Many books, audio programs, seminars, etc.

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Have been published in other (non-English) languages Have these authors’ own info work for them? Most teach theory, make stuff up and have made their money teaching people how to make money They haven’t made any real money based on how they say you can make millions Privilege and wealth were traditionally safeguarded from the public (secret societies) Keep secret knowledge within their own groups. Who do you listen to? (cont.) Super wealthy Don’t write their own books (they have ghost writers) Don’t want you to know their true success secrets because they don’t want competition They give you wrong info to achieve little success Wealth is genetic; you’re not entitled to wealth Why should you listen to Kevin Trudeau? This really does work Easy to learn and apply Fast results Not his information; proven; passed the test of time.

Who do you listen to? (cont.) Listen to people who have what you want Andrew Carnegie Started U.S. Steel Member of the Brotherhood Wanted this info to get out (Henry Ford didn’t) Kevin left the Brotherhood (secret society) and reached its highest level Members of Secret Societies have left their secret societies and support Kevin.

The Four Basic Concepts to Achieving Success Who do you listen to? Teachability Index The Training/Balance Scale The Four Steps to Processing New Information. Teachability Index How teachable are you? We go up and down in our index Willingness to learn and do things different Willingness to accept change and do things different What are you willing to give up? What are you willing to invest in time and money?.

Kevin Trudeau Your Wish Is Your Command Pdf

Your Wish Is Your Command Kevin Trudeau Pdf

Teachability Index (cont.) Teachability Index Consider this all of the time You’re always ‘getting’ the info (you never ‘get’ the info) 2 dimensions (on a scale of 1 to 10) Willingness-to-learn Time, money & effort you’re willing to invest What are you willing to give up to learn this? Willingness-to-accept-change Don’t stop being teachable. Teachability Index (cont.) “ I’ll do whatever it takes to learn this” Are you happy with where you’re?

If you want things in your life to change then you have to change things in your life Insanity – doing the same things but expecting different results You’re going to have to change the way you think. Apprenticeship Virtual apprenticeship program Mentorship (1-on-1 training); learn directly from 1 person Lifelong training with a mentor; your always an apprentice How do you qualify to become an apprentice? Do you know what you don’t know?

You must be teachable, coachable Believe it but question it until you understand why it’s true. Methods of Learning Information is shared in workshops, books and one-on-one Knowledge coming from reading Leaders are always massive readers Is s/he a Society Member?

Your Wish Is Your Command Kevin Trudeau Pdf Free

The elite class wants to keep the info for themselves Keep the masses illiterate (unable to read) Phonics were taken out of U.S. Schools and replaced by the Look-See Method.

Kevin Trudeau Scam Your Wish Is Your Command

Secret societies Skull & Bones (at Yale University) started the CIA Illuminate The Brotherhood Very secret membership and existence Secret knowledge is shared about how the universe and planet work; how to leverage this info to have a fulfilling life. Disc 2: The Four Basic Concepts to Achieving Success (pt. 2). Increasing your teachability index Members of secret societies (Masons and Skull & Bones) Books that are about stories (myth, fables, etc.) contain theories that never happened in real life How can you know if you have a high teachability index (TI)?

Your Wish Is Your Command Kevin Trudeau Pdf File

Kevin Trudeau Your Wish Is Your Command Review

Your Wish Is Your Command Kevin Trudeau Pdf Download

What favorite thing are you willing to give up?