Skyrim Ride Dragon Mod

Humanity has truly peaked. And if you don’t believe, that’s because you haven’t seen these absurdly hilarious mods for Skyrim. What’s even left to cover?

Skyrim ride dragon mod

I often create lists of mods that actually improve your Skyrim saves, but this time I’ve taken a completely different route.

Skyrim: 5 Dragon Mods That Are Amazing (& 5 That Are Hilarious) Looking to shake up your dragon interactions in Skyrim? Whether you're looking for immersion or laughs, these are the best mods for. A mod that let you ride dragons at will, control where and when they fly as well as some combat orderDownload:

It's basically just you catching a ride from normal dragon flying means if that makes sense, no control, but while riding you CAN fast travel to anywhere and after the loading screen you'll be flying in that area. Some sort of targeting system works for pointing your taxi where you want to go but idk if that's just for enemies or not. Page 1 of 20 - Dragon Riders of Skyrim - An Eragon/Inheritance Based Mod - posted in Skyrim Mod Talk: 'Alduin is gone. The Dovah are in disorder. Skyrim is in chaos. Only an alliance can save them both.With Alduin gone and the Dovah in a strained relationship with the Dovahkiin only an alliance between the two can prevent further war. To this end the Dovahkiin became formed a partnership with. Dragon riding is a new gameplay mechanic added by the Dragonborn add-on. In order to ride a dragon, you must acquire all three words of the Bend Will shout and use it on a dragon. The dragon will then land and allow you to climb onto its back and ride it. You cannot directly control the dragon while riding, but can give it certain instructions.

And I’m not sure how I’ve never come across any of these mods before. But holy crap do people have a lot of time on their hands.

You’ll barely be able to take Skyrim seriously when you hear NPCs farting as they swing their weapons at you. Nor is it possible to keep a straight face when beating enemies to death with “My Little Pony” equipment.

Stop getting mad at those times you die by the hands of a troll, and become the troll yourself.

Skyrim is way more fun when mudcrabs swear at you for no apparent reason (or maybe for a well-deserved reason – that’s half the fun!)

15. Immersive Indigestion

Yes, this mod does exactly what its name suggests.

It gives indigestion to every NPC in the game, which means you can hear a lot of farting and burping while discussing random stuff with peasants around the streets.

Or whenever you get attacked by an angry barbarian.

With Immersive Indigestion, you’ll have to deal with enemy swords, axes, arrows, magic spells, and burping and farting noises.

What’s not to love about this ridiculously hilarious mod?

You won’t be able to hear about the ongoing Civil War from your friendly neighbor without having him burp right in your face!

14. Animated Fart Shouting

The dragon tongue is not something that can be truly described as “fancy”, and even less so after you install this ridiculous mod.

With Animate Fart Shouting, you’ll notice that your shouts are now a bit… different.

In fact, you’ll notice that your character no longer “shouts” them at all. Instead, as the Dragonborn, your shouts will now come straight out of your arse.

That’s right: someone decided they weren’t happy with Skyrim shouts and changed the whole animation, as well as the sound effects, to make the Dragonborn look like they were farting them into existence.

A truly fascinating mod that shows how far we’ve come as the human race.

13. Inappropriate Cell Names

Alright I know that I have the sense of humor of a 12-year old, but these small changes to the names of certain locations just make me giggle every time I read them.

The only requirement for you to download this mod, apart from having all the Skyrim DLCs, is to have a terrible sense of humor.

Or perhaps, the highest sense of humor of all.

12. The Official r/TrueSTL Mod

If you’ve been on the Internet for long enough, you probably know by now that Reddit is the birthplace of some of the weirdest stuff you’ll ever encounter.

The TrueSTL community, a subreddit dedicated to shitposting about games written by Lawrence Schick, has put together a fantastic mod that makes some of the strangest modifications to The Elder Scrolls that I’ve ever seen.

I encourage you to check out this piece of work. It’s truly something else.

11. My Little Pony Weapons and Armor

Wear a pony costume, beat up your enemies with ponies, or ride the most badass rainbow pony you’ll ever see.

This mod has it all.

Out of all the works of art that I’ve come across while writing this article, I can guarantee you this is the one that truly makes me laugh just as much as it disturbs me.

There’s just some creepy vibe around the whole brony world, you know? And this mod feels like it encompasses that vibe pretty well.

Sadistic grown-ups beating innocents while dressed like ponies? Yeah, that’s as close of a representation of the brony community as you could get in Skyrim.

10. Crimes Against Nature

No, this mod isn’t about environmentalism. You’re free to support climate policies if you wish – I do as well.

But the Crimes Against Nature mod is about creating the ugliest mofo that you’ll ever see in Skyrim.

CAN introduces a handful of new races to the game, which range from creepy bear people to some creatures that I’d rather not describe.

Install this with Animated Fart Shouting and behold what it feels like to never be able to see Skyrim the same way ever again.

9. Loading Screens with Extra Sarcasm

Loading Screens with Extra Sarcasm combines the wittiness of anon posters, with the kind of crap that you usually see on Twitter, creating the weirdest pieces of advice that you’ll ever come across.

The mod changes all of the vanilla dialogues that you see in loading screens, which tend to be particularly boring (to be fair, we’ve been reading them for many a years).

Instead it creates something completely out of the box. This is one of those mods that you don’t need, but love to have. Check it out.

8. Uncle Sheogorath’s Really Helpful Tips

If you thought the last mod was good, wait until you check out this set of tips that come straight from Sheogorath himself.

I mean, one could barely call them tips… but one thing’s for sure: they’re exceptionally funny.

The creator seems a tad wittier than the Loading Screens with Extra Sarcasm maker, but both mods will get a laugh or two out of you – especially if you’ve been drinking while playing.

7. “Now You Fucked Up” Mudcrabs Sound

There’s not much to explain here. This mod literally makes every mudcrab in the game play the “Now you fucked up sound” whenever you attack them.

Combine this mod with Posh Mudcrabs (further on my list) and let the hilarity ensue.

6. Inigo

The Inigo mod has been on many of my lists, and although I was a bit reluctant to add a follower mod to this article, I couldn’t help but let Inigo to take a spot here.

This hilarious Khajit comes with over 7,000 lines of dialogue. And many of them are as engaging as they are hilarious.

Inigo is an occurrent Khajit that will happily stand by your side regardless of the type of playthrough you intend to partake.

He’ll be alongside you during your quest to save Skyrim, or during your murderous rampage with the Brotherhood.

5. Draw – A Dueling Mod

Hold on to your hats, incels – get ready to tip off your fedora and challenge your enemies to a duel where the only one that will keep their honor will be the one that manages to walk away alive.

This fantastic mod allows you to engage in a 1v1 combat against almost every NPC in the game, challenging them to a duel.

You know, like how we used to settle things back in the olden days of who knows when.

This mod isn’t made to be particularly funny, at first.

But dueling an old lady to the death certainly is. I fully recommend this one if you have a terrible sense of humor and even worse in-game morals.

4. Immersive Poop

So, this mod basically makes every creature in the game prone to taking compulsive poops.

Every poop looks the same, so you’ll be unable to tell whether it was donated by a horse or by a chicken. Sounds compelling, right?

It isn’t. But go ahead and download it anyway.

3. Every Mudcrab is Zoidberg

Thinking of downloading another ridiculous mod? Why not Zoidberg?

Yes, this mod turns every single mudcrab in the game into Zoidberg from Futurama.

And I knew I would eventually get to make a Futurama meme reference, after all these years! And now you can remember the classics of animation too, by adding this sad penniless lobster doctor into your playthroughs.

2. Posh Mudcrabs

Ello, gov’na. Ya havin’ a laugh?

This mod adds top hats and monocules to all of the mudcrabs on Skyrim.

If turning all of the mudcrabs into Zoidberg is just a bit too over the top for you, then try this one out.

It’s still as ridiculous, but it keeps things a bit more… what’s the word? Credible? Realistic?

Eh, let’s just go with “less ridiculous”.

Granted this mod is as ridiculous as they get. And I love it.

It’s perfect for a light-hearted Skyrim playthrough and it’s subtly noticeable enough that you might forget it’s turned on after a while.

1. Musician Bears

So… yeah. This mod literally adds musician bears to the game.

Who wouldn’t love to see a bear playing the lute?

This makes zero damn sense, and that’s why I freaking love it.

Never in my wildest dreams had I imagined that I’d ever recommended such a ridiculous mod to my readers, but alas, here I am.

Do yourself a favor and get this one installed. You won’t regret it.

Browse:SkyrimVideo Games

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I don’t know what it is about dragons that make them so loved.

I feel it should be the contrary, actually: they should be hated and despised by anyone with a little bit of sense in their head. I mean, would anyone really like to be burned to ashes by these flying lizards? But we’re humans, and contradictions are what make us what we are.

Ever since the beginning of video gaming, developers have provided dragon lovers all over the world what they love the most.

Mojang really hasn’t… so it was up to modders to come up with clever ways to implement dragons properly into the Minecraft sandbox experience.

Did they succeed? Let’s find out.

6. Dragon World RPG

Minecraft is where everything, and I really mean everything, can become a reality.

Even a world where dragons coexist peacefully with humans.

But do they really?

The Dragon World RPG is more than just a dragon-themed modpack for Minecraft. It’s an almost complete game overhaul that changes quite a few things to make the game feel almost like a fantasy role-playing game.

Well, a role-playing game where you can ride dragons to fight other dragons and other fantasy creatures with the help of your friends all over the world.

New MMORPG, anyone?

5. Dawn of Fire

Dragons have evolved quite a bit since they first appeared in our favorite fantasy worlds.

In older games, they could only breathe fire. Now, they can breathe whatever comes to mind!

The Dawn of Fire mod introduces a lot of different dragons into Minecraft, ranging from classic fire-breathing dragons, to other dragons that can breathe lightning!

I think we’re all a bit shocked on this one.

4. Dragon Mounts: Legacy

Complicated mechanics and tons of new features are all well and good, but what if we just want to ride dragons?

The Dragon Mounts: Legacy mudpack is here to save the day.


This is mod is extremely straightforward, as far as Minecraft mods go.

Just download the mod, take proper care of dragon eggs so they can hatch, and then you get the winged companions of your dreams.

Simple and fun. That’s really Minecraft in a nutshell, huh?

3. Wyrmroost

Dragons are the new horses in Minecraft…

But only if you install the Wyrmroost mod!

Wyrmroost introduces a lot of different dragons that are great for exploring worlds and striking fear into the hearts of mobs all over.

But they’re also great at helping you in farming, transporting items, and so on.

Have you ever seen a tame dragon before? Well now you have.

2. Ice and Fire: Dragons

The Ice and Fire: Dragons mod doesn’t really introduce anything revolutionary.

But its implementation of dragon-themed mechanics are truly second to none.


Fire, ice, and lighting dragons are nothing new (as far as Minecraft mods are concerned).

But making them appear only in their correct habitat certainly is a new feature.

And no, I’m not talking about scorching deserts or cold tundras. I’m talking about treasure caves! Hasn’t The Hobbit taught you anything?

1. World of Dragons

Technology and magic collide in World of Dragons, one of the best Minecraft dragon mods ever made.

Because with this installed, you get the best of both worlds!

This mod is built upon the great mechanics that behind the “Ice and Fire: Dragons” mod.

So with World of Dragons, you’re dropped into a world where not only do dragons dominate the sky, but they also power two technology trees that will literally let you forge your own adventure.

Add some amazing multiplayer options into the mix, and you get the definitive Minecraft dragon-themed experience. Absolutely a must-try.

Browse:MinecraftVideo Games

Skyrim Ride Dragon Mod

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